Carrier chiller alarm codes; The following list gives a complete description of each alarm code and its possible cause.

Carrier chiller alarm codes
- 30GX and 30HXC series
- PRO-DIALOG Control
- Screw-Compressor Air- and
- Water-Cooled Liquid Chillers
- 50 Hz
The PRO-DIALOG Plus control system has many fault tracing aid functions. The local interface and its various menus give access to all unit operating conditions. The test function makes it possible to run a quick test of all devices on the unit. If an operating fault is detected, an alarm is activated and an alarm code is stored in the Alarm menu.

Resetting alarms
When the cause of the alarm has been corrected the alarm can be reset, depending on the type, either automatically on return to normal, or manually when action has been taken on the unit. Alarms can be reset even if the unit is running. This means that an alarm can be reset without stopping the machine. In the event of a power supply interrupt, the unit restarts automatically without the need for an external com- mand. However, any faults active when the supply is inter- rupted are saved and may in certain cases prevent a circuit or a unit from restarting. A manual reset must be run from the main interface using the following procedure:

Carrier Local interface general features
Carrier chiller alarm codes pdf
Air-cooled screw chillers 30xa installation, operation and maintenance manual pdf